In keeping with the spirit of the year’s final days, I am
posting my picks for the top stories of 2013.
These are not the top news stories.
These are not the top moments in sports, arts or entertainment. These are my
top stories—the events, actions, accidents or moments that mean the most to me.
So here goes.
Miley Cyrus and
Wrecking Ball. I didn’t watch
it. Believe me there was a time in my
life when news of a naked woman on a piece of construction
equipment would have compelled me to the computer. But I didn’t watch it. Did not really want to. I knew all I would see is young life in
peril, a soul crying for attention, a tragedy.
For me, such moments of clarity and conviction are a big deal.
Taking A Skiing Lesson. I’ve been trying to ski for years, but
never really graduated beyond the green slopes.
But this year, at Keystone Resort in Colorado, I finally took a lesson
and learned how beautifully easy this beautiful sport can be. I can’t wait to tackle some blues in 2014.
Teaching Hebrews. The letter to the Hebrews in the New
Testament has always been an obtuse slog of a read. Like Job in the Old Testament, Hebrews was
good to extract a verse or two, but to read it all was a snoozer. However, this past year I decided to study it
and teach it with the help of some great commentaries. What I found is that Hebrews, perhaps next
only to the book of John, is the clearest, most profound presentation of Jesus
Christ and the gospel in all of scripture.
He is the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was
set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the
right hand of God. Awesome.
Buying Janice an
iPhone. Overcoming years of resistance, I
finally persuaded my sweet wife to throw away her talk and text antique and
embrace an iPhone 5C. She now stares
endlessly into its glowing screen ignoring the world around her like a
gen-Xer. I’m so proud.
Not Buying New Golf
Clubs. At the start of 2013 I was
convinced that it was time to succumb to the ads on The Golf Channel and invest
in some of that new, titanium, perimeter-weighted, adjustable club face,
graphite power flex, v-groove goodness.
So I took my credit card to Golfsmith to hit new clubs in the
simulator. Just to be savvy about it, I
also took my old clubs so I could compare the differences. What I found is that I hit my old clubs as
long and straight as the new ones, saving myself about $800.
Going To Florida For
Three Weeks. Janice and I decided to
take an extended break in November when rents are cheap and lease a beach home
for an extended time. We enjoyed it, but
learned that we missed our home, friends, church and even our work and
responsibilities. Personally, I learned
I am not ready for retirement. Not even
A Whirlwind Trip To
New Orleans. I was invited to speak
at a conference in the Big Easy and Janice went with. We met some old friends, made some new ones,
ate great, stayed in a wonderful hotel and squeezed in a quick overnight at the
beach. The speech went pretty well, too. It was an altogether lovely four days.
Sam Riding A
Bike. This was the year my grandson
Sam got really good riding a bike. We
took him to the Virginia Creeper, a 17-mile cruise down Whitetop Mountain to
Damascus, VA. Watching those skinny
little legs attack that mountain brought a joy I will never forget.
Getting Caught In A
Big Storm. On the topic of Florida
and bikes, while we were at the beach, Janice and I, along with grandson’s
Charlie and Sam, got caught out in a monster rain. We had to ride home through a torrent. It was a blast.
Becoming The Dude. My older grandson’s nickname for me has been
Grand Dude, which I love. This year my
youngest grandson Oliver started calling me Dude, which I really love.
It’s been a good year.
I’m blessed and I’m grateful.
God’s grace abounds.
Happy New Year.